
Avec des chiffres à l’appui








Ces chiffres sont basés sur une analyse des formations démarrées en 2023.

Margherita's learning method, adapted to my needs, my personality and my tastes, made me progress very quickly. We exceeded the objectives we had set at the beginning, and all this without me even realising it.
Margherita is very attentive, dynamic and professional! It was a pleasure and I recommend her 100%! (Valérie Sabaté Le Petit, Technical Sales Representative)

I did a training with Margherita a few years ago and it was very pleasant, it allowed me to unblock the barriers present from school and university teaching. Margherita is very pedagogical, her tools very effective, and I had a very pleasant and beneficial time. (Vincent Podlunsek, Founder & CEO, PODInformatique & Adamentis)

If you want to transform your French communication and surprise yourself and others around you, then Margherita is the right person for you. I highly appreciated her professionalism, care and her effective language training methods. I had some challenges on the way and she was always beside me and guided me all along. Now I can say exactly what I mean and have the desired impact with my clients. (Gabriella B.Entrepreneur and Business Coach, Paris)

La méthodologie d’apprentissage de l’anglais proposée par Margherita est novatrice et non scolaire ce qui m’a permis de me réconcilier avec l’anglais et de faire de réels progrès. Margherita a une personnalité dynamique et trouve les clés pour débloquer les difficultés rencontrées. Elle adapte son contenu à votre domaine professionnel. Je la recommande vivement si vous avez besoin d’améliorer votre anglais professionnel. (Hakim F.Responsable Affaires Sociales, Paris)

Margherita is by far the best French teacher I have had since arriving in France. I wish I had known her in the beginning. The confidence I gained since working with her has been incredible. She has a gentle and methodical approach which lets you work on your chosen goals in your own pace. I highly recommend her whether you are just starting or would like to advance in your linguistic journey – be it French or English. (Dr. Özgür K., Director, Responsible BusinessParis)

J’ai contacté Margherita pour développer mes compétences orales et écrites dans le cadre de mes activités professionnelles de DRH. Margherita travaille avec moi depuis plusieurs mois et c’est toujours un plaisir d’apprendre à ses côtés. Margherita est toujours prête à vous écouter pour trouver le meilleur enseignement à vous offrir. Elle est toujours de bonne humeur, attentionnée et très patiente. Elle s’adapte à votre emploi du temps et comprend très bien vos besoins. De plus, créative, elle suggère régulièrement de nouvelles façons d’apprendre. Je développe mes compétences sans crainte et avec plaisir. Je recommande ses compétences en tant que Neurolanguage Coach. (Lucie C.Directrice des Ressources Humaines, Toulouse)

Margherita m’a permis de lever mes blocages concernant la pratique de l’anglais à l’oral. Je suis à présent capable de dialoguer avec fluidité et surtout sans peur. Son accompagnement est axé sur la bienveillance et l’adaptabilité. Grâce à sa posture de coach elle a su trouver les meilleurs moyens d’apprentissage me concernant, selon mes centres d’intérêt et selon les médias que je préférais. Je vous la recommande fortement. (Marianne M.Coach Professionnel Certifié – Coach et Formatrice en Process Communication Model®- Révélatrice de Potentiel, Perpignan)

I can recommend Margherita as one of our extremely professional Neurolanguage Coaches. Her language expertise together with her coaching style and business experience all ensure a very professional service which will empower learners to learn more effectively and in an efficient manner. (Rachel Paling, Efficient Language Coaching)

I confirm and recommend. Margherita's talents have enabled me to eventually become an English teacher. (Sabrina Guers, English teacher)

I met Margherita when I started my English lessons in a structure where she was teaching and which did not suit me like many language laboratories. Since she started her own business, I have been seduced by her coaching in English and this form of teaching and support has brought me a lot and in a dimension and dynamism that has allowed me to progress much faster. I wanted to leave my testimony because I think that the person that she is also does a lot (Dr. Erick Dietrich, Director of Teaching, Psychosomato-analyst, Sexologist, Writer)

I entrusted Margherita with the task of helping a Scottish client couple to integrate better in France by learning and perfecting our language. Margherita was so efficient that my clients now live permanently in the South of France. I would like to thank Margherita for her quality work and her calm and collected manner. She knows how to adapt to the rhythm of her clients. If you want to learn English or French in a different way, Margherita Sforza is the right choice. (Yannick Blanc, Sales Manager at Atout Elec)