
Individuals: Individual or small group coaching in English/French

  • preparation for an expatriation abroad
  • newcomers
  • TOEIC test
  • Cambridge Exams
  • or English/French oral competition
  • Specialised public speaking programmes
  • mixed programmes advanced level

Unlock your English potential by learning a language differently


Before our first meeting, a quiz will be sent to you by email to check your level.


(45 minutes face to face or by Skype)

To get to know each other better and assess our compatibility,
Determine your motivations/priorities,
A conversation about your ability to express yourself, your language blocks.
You will leave with your language assessment, your defined objectives and your own learning strategy that we will have established together.
We put together the application for funding from your OPCO (OPérateur de COmpétences) or the CPF scheme together.


If we decide to work together, we will establish a powerful, committed and trusting relationship. Our journey together will enable you to set clear and realistic goals to achieve measurable and sustainable results. You will become a fully active and responsible actor of your learning. "Learning by doing" or learning by doing!

The sessions are therefore personalised and based on a specific objective. We move away from the linear and directive learning of traditional methods to favour a "spiral" learning process which will allow you to return to the same notion several times during your course, thus leaving time for maturation, assimilation and appropriation.

A flexible and tailored solution to optimise your language learning

Client-centred, our sessions are suitable for any type of business or area of expertise for individuals or groups - please find below a selection of possible topics for specialist language training and coaching:


  • Specific areas of intervention :
  • I also work in specific areas such as accounting, auditing, secretarial work, insurance, human resources and marketing.
  • I am also there for the important stages of your professional life, such as preparing a sales pitch, preparing a speech in front of an audience and giving presentations.
  • Versatile, I adapt my coaching to your sector of activity, whether it is in transport, telecommunications, IT or medical.
  • Communication is an important part of your business, I also offer corporate communication for your employees, and help you learn the art of negotiation.
  • English can often be an obstacle to the development of your business, I can also help you with the writing of emails, memos or reports.


Margherita Sforza is part of a worldwide network of 900 language coaches who are certified by ELC Ltd and are accredited by the International Coach Federation, including a coach's code of ethics to be respected. Effective results with the aim of making you progress while guaranteeing you support throughout your progress.


ELC language coaches optimise your learning success through a personalised approach adapted to the client, which enables you to obtain concrete and measurable results in your professional life. I ensure that the coach/client relationship is as collaborative as possible and allows you to develop in a trusting, non-judgmental environment.


Margherita guarantees you continuous follow-up and assessment while regularly reinforcing your learning process. My coaching helps you to overcome problems related to motivation, client commitment and emotional and language barriers.


All language training and coaching sessions are delivered either at Tecnosud, or at your premises, also online on a highly interactive and real-time platform (Zoom or ElectaLive).


We offer training courses for English, French, and we also use our staff for other languages such as Spanish, Italian, Catalan, German and others.

My mission: to help you believe in your inner potential! Together, we will make it happen!

"You can't teach people anything. You can only help them to discover that they already possess within themselves all that is to be learned." Galileo Galilei